The deep-fried characters are unforgettable. The feathered and furry folk will steal the hearts of animal lovers.

Soaked in faith, people survived the lean mean times, thanks to their velvet hearts, hard work, the good sense to laugh at themselves, and, often, the hand of God.

Life lessons that will first make you smile and then make you think! — Dale O’Shields, Senior Pastor, Church of the Redeemer

J. Bennett serves up a heaping slice of old-fashioned Southern storytelling; a taste of genuine American life that will keep readers coming back for more. —  Julie Castillo, Creative Writing Instructor

Brings back fond memories of southern characters. — Trent Lott, former Leader of the United States Senate


If you’ve ever loved an animal beyond measure, Old Pup and the preacher’s four-legged friends will capture your heart.

Takes us back to our roots, to a time when family, friends, and faith triumphed over hard times. This story is pure Americana.

The author’s parents were the kind of people that made America exceptional. Dad was a preacher, a farmer, a trapper, and a hero to his family. Mom made sure her children had enough to eat, clothes to wear, and hope in their hearts.

To Ben, animals came right after God and family—his pigs, turkeys, even an insane mule.

This book just makes you feel good. A heartwarming look at the world as it used to be. Recaptures the charm, joys and hardships of growing up.


The most heartwarming book I’ve read in years, the tales kept me laughing all the way—TH

Warm, rich stories told through the eyes of a young preacher’s son growing up on a farm—AC

A delightful book, well written, heartwarming and a true gem. I bought two extra copies as gifts—CH

Assures us that God is working in the lives of those who love and follow him. A must read for the family of God—and those seeking to know him better—PY

You’ll understand why this is called “the Greatest Generation”—AB

As a preacher’s daughter from the hills of Tennessee, I found this book wonderfully relatable—the outhouses, gardens, barnyard animals and colorful cousins—K

A time capsule into the South—the Great Depression, Indian heritage, the KKK and race relations—CW

I laughed about Granny chewing up “dobbers” for her babies. Yes, that’s how it was before Gerber created baby food. I just never knew there was a name for it—C

Brings laughter, insight, and blessings to the reader. Your meaning of family will certainly grow—JC

I loved their work ethic, survival skills, learning about scuppernongs and how to get honey without going to Wal-Mart—CW

A slice of America long gone— God-fearing, good-hearted, hard-working people. Let’s go back to those values and not let our greatness slip away—JB

On the same level as “A River Runs Through It—PD